Adam Cherrington’s Affiliate Marketing Training Program– Honest Review

Adam Cherrington has a YouTube ad where he boasts about making over four hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($450,000) in affiliate commissions in just sixty days, with a profit margin of around forty percent (40%).

This means he earned roughly ninety thousand dollars ($90,000) for each of those two months without relying on Amazon, Shopify, or Facebook.

His objective is to teach his process to fifty ambitious super affiliates this year, but is it worth it for you to be one of them? Keep reading this review to find out.

I stumbled upon Adam Cherrington’s ad and joined his free workshop. During the video, Adam Cherrington shared that he had spent fifteen million dollars on paid ads in the last three years, and his return was approximately five million dollars as a super affiliate.

This means he didn’t have to worry about creating his own products or services, managing inventory, handling shipping, or customer support. He also gets to work from home, spend as much time as he wants with his loved ones, and take two months of vacation every year.

Adam Cherrington demonstrated his skills by logging into his main affiliate account and displaying his revenue of just under two million dollars from 2017 to 2020. It was impressive, to say the least.

Adam Cherrington explained that he does affiliate arbitrage where he promotes a weight loss supplement that pays out sixty dollars per sale and then runs paid ads.

On average, it costs him forty dollars to generate an order, leaving him with a profit of twenty dollars. He prefers to work in the health market, specifically targeting weight loss and beauty as they’re consistent, reliable, and scalable.

Adam recommends targeting women in their forties, fifties, and sixties, as this demographic tends to spend disproportionately more money online.

As for traffic, he uses other people’s email lists, which he can pay to blast out his offer. Unlike Facebook and YouTube, there are fewer restrictions in email marketing.

A useful tip Adam Cherrington shared was to test your offer with an inexpensive sponsored email before investing in a more expensive dedicated email.

He also outsources design, landing page creation, and outreach to virtual assistants in the Philippines for a fraction of the cost.

Towards the end of the workshop, Adam went through a screening process to determine whether you’re a good fit for his one-on-one mentoring.

He cautioned that you’d need at least ten thousand dollars, which is worth it, but might be a deal-breaker for most people.

Nonetheless, affiliate marketing is a fantastic lifestyle business, and Adam Cherrington is an expert in the field. He also emphasizes the importance of building relationships with the list owners who promote your offers.

By providing them with high-quality products and offers, you can gain their trust and increase your chances of being promoted to their audience again in the future.

In a nutshell, Adam Cherrington’s affiliate marketing training program offers a wealth of information and valuable insights for aspiring super affiliates.

His focus on email marketing and outsourcing provides a clear blueprint for success in the affiliate marketing industry.

While his one-on-one mentoring program may not be accessible to everyone, those who can invest in it may find it to be a valuable investment in their own future success.

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